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Fellowship Application

Program Dates and Requirements

 2024 Fall/2025 Spring ILF Civic Fellowship Program – Now Accepting Applications!

The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is pleased to announce that we will have a cohort of Civic Fellows for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 term. We encourage undergraduate students of Asian American and Pacific Islanders heritage and undergraduate students of all backgrounds interested in working with the AAPI community, to apply for the opportunity to work part-time (and remotely) for a federal agency.

Based on the interests and majors of selected Civic Fellowship candidates, ILF will help place them with federal agencies. We are currently identifying several agencies who have expressed interest in hosting ILF Civic Fellows for the Fall/Spring term.

“One of ILF’s goals is to prepare and advocate for the next generation of leaders in public service,” shared Chairman of ILF Dr. Paul Hsu. “It is so important to increase exposure and understanding of civic engagement so that young leaders can take action to support their communities in relevant ways.”

*Note, the applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year as opportunities are available for fall and spring internships. Please review the application below for detailed instructions on how to submit the required materials.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at fellow@ileader.org.

Applicant Eligibility

Who Can Apply
– U.S. Citizens
– Full-time undergraduate students
– Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
– Active participation in public and/or community service
– Applicants from a diverse array of disciplines are encouraged

Application Requirements

What to Submit
– All official transcripts (can be emailed to fellow@ileader.org)
– Resume
– At least 1 Letter of Recommendation (can be emailed to fellow@ileader.org)

  • Recommender must include contact information and handwritten signature
  • Subject line must read “RECOMMENDATION – Lastname, Firstname”

– Completed application form (below)

Answering Short Answer Questions

All questions must be answered on the application form. Please be succinct yet thorough. Qualified candidates will demonstrate ability to write well thought-out, concise, and detailed content.

1. Why are you interested in becoming a Civic Fellow, and how do you intend to contribute to the program and your local community?

2. Provide an example of how you have demonstrated leadership (with or without an official title/position).

3. What are the public policy issues that interest you, and why?

Where to Submit Your Application Reqs.

All official transcripts and letter(s) of recommendation must be emailed to fellow@ileader.org OR
uploaded as part of the application form.

– Professor/Recommender must include contact information and a handwritten signature
– Subject line and file must read “RECOMMENDATION – Lastname, Firstname”

Resume (PDF file) is also uploaded through the application form.


Alumni Testimonials

Our Fellows

Fellowship Application